so busy

so busy

well, to add on to our misery, pakku killed a cat last night. yep. this time he really killed one.

been really busy in the past few days. writing mostly at work and filling out applications. really exhausted from the formal writing that i haven’t had time to do blog. anyways, last friday i took a trip to the zoo. well, didn’t really intend to go or ‘take’ a trip. but i happened to be in the area and with some time in my hands, i thought, ‘why not?’ do some excursion.

here are some pics, according to how my excursion started :-P

not sure, who’d do that. but i guess, someone did. what a scary painting. not judging it artistically, but the idea of it.

the himalayan blue sheep above, and below is a BIG POTATO floating in some dirty and muddy water. hahahahaha

hmmm….it’s the hippo taking a dip.

Say hello to Shiva (the tiger).  Well, he was hidden in the dark, so no real photos of him. but he was sleeping on his back. looked quite cute. hahaha.

here’s another kitty dozing on a branch..

And now some birdies below.

i think i over did the photos on birds..

and to end it with a big bang…hahaha…it so happened that this animal started doing his toilet right when i was about to leave the zoo. this is the last animal you see.

been a sad day

been a sad day

early this morning i was at the Kathmandu Animal Treatment center at chapali gaon, budhanilkantha. i had to make the decision to put down a cat. :-(

yesterday evening the stray cat wandered into our compound. our dog, pakku (am so angry with him) charged at it. bit the cat and flung it around, until ritu and ama could take them apart. pakku was going crazy. we had to shut him up inside the house. i didn’t see what happened, but ritu wasn’t able to sleep well last night. i got home some 20 mins after it happened and ama, bajai and ritu were trying to get give the cat some milk. but of course, she was very defensive and each time we put our hands near her, she’d hiss and attack.

the cat’s rear was totally immobilized. she was dragging herself behind the plants and trying to hide from us. we had to do something about it. get her to the vet and give her medical attention. but where were we going to keep her with the monstrous pakku around? he’d kill her.

i looked up KAT center’s number on the net and called them. the guy who picked up told me to bring her immediately because all the staff were gone and no one could come pick up. well, it was a big and risky task to even try and pick her up and she was in a lot of pain. she wasn’t bleeding much but she was limping terribly and purring/whining occasionally. it was difficult to look at her state. but after coaxing her for a bit, three of us got her into a bora ko jhola. we tied the jhola and put her in the car and went off to KAT center.

We left her at the center but the doctors would come in only next morning. she crawled to the corner of the room where the cats are kept. there were two others – fat ones. filled out the form and i was asked to come at 10 am today.

and so when i went this morning, i found out that pakku’s bite hadn’t really harmed her much. the vet asked me many times if she was hit by a car. and i said no, well, because i hadn’t seen it happen and wasn’t even at home when pakku attacked her. she would have been able to escape the dog if she hadn’t been badly hurt already…was what the vet said. in a way, i was relieved because pakku’s bites weren’t severe and that someone else had hurt her…but still, it was difficult to see her in pain and to know that she’d been hit. since i’d signed up with my name, this cat was now ‘mine’. sort of…they were saying ‘tapai ko ‘ biralo…etc etc. what a pain…

treatment could be done, she was a fairly young cat, but she was in a lot of pain…her rear leg was fractured, she probably has some maggots inside her, the vet said, she has diarrhea and her urinary bladder seems to be damaged too. the vet couldn’t even touch her and she would wince and she would probably be paralyzed if she survived…whew! if i would take her home after they treated her, they would begin treatment…but with pakku around, that was impossible. one of the staff was trying to convince me that cats and dogs can live together…i knew that, but pakku was clearly dangerous. and to have a paralyzed cat around, i mean that sounds just terrible for the cat too.

saying yes to put her down was all i could do at that point. she was tooo hurt to fully recover.


i come home and eat lunch and prepare to leave for work…when we see other small puppy in our compound. it got in through the holes in our gate….gosh, the’s happened before too. and well, pakku being the monster attacked the pup too. i was so so so mad, i hit pakku with a brick but he still wouldn’t let go. he was holding the pup in his mouth and like shaking it…oh myan it was so scary. i know now why ritu couldn’t sleep.

we managed to get pakku off the pup soon and chased him with sticks and locked him up. i picked the pup. luckily, he wasn’t hurt. pakku didn’t bite him rahecha…just picked him up. the pup was so shocked. i let him go outside our gate. the pup lives right outside our house, our neighbor’s pup..but they don’t have a proper house and live in a shack. even when i first saw the pup, i was angry at why they had brought him in the first place. they’d even asked my cousin sis if we wanted to take him. if you can’t keep a pet and take care of it, don’t get one. i sound nasty, but it really annoys me to see malnourished pets. we already feed another neighbor’s dog every day, and i have a feeling that we’ll end up feeding this new pup too…eventually it will become a street dog that hangs around our house.



i can’t remember what i was going to write next. i was going to fill the empty spaces with text, but i got distracted..can’t remember by what. anyways, this is one of very few drawings i did while i was in Taji, my village in lamjung district.

Malya – as my bajai calls him – is a year old. he’s cute looking – just like his mother. anyways, at first he was trying to hit me and was attacking me a lot, coz i was a new person.. but later he followed me easily. in fact, he doesn’t like my bajai so he wouldn’t listen to her at all. hahaha…i took malya, with my baje, to the ghopte (field) each day while I was there in Taji. Learnt to tie and untie him and to lead him to the ghopte, we went around 11 am. he usually runs back home after the day is over..around 5 ish pm.

on the supposed last day of my visit, an aringal incident took place when my ama and me went to fetch malya from ghopte. the incident extended a day of our stay! i’ll save the details of the story for the next entry. it’s a long one :-).


back in ‘nepal’

back in ‘nepal’

going to kathmandu, once a upon a time, was going to ‘nepal’. it was the same for our village, Taji in Lamjung. I’m back in ‘nepal’ i.e. Kathmandu after a week in Lamjung. I had a great time and have toooo many stories to write and share…yes, i was gone for a week, but so much happened in it that i felt like I was gone for a longer time.

still recovering from vacation mode :-) but more than that, i am recovering from three ARINGAL STINGS! That was probably the biggest highlight of this trip…me getting stung by a dangerous wasp/s in our khet. it was sooo sooo sooooo very painful. i’d never experienced anything that painful ever in my life!!! okay, i’ll save the details for later….:-)

hope your dashain was fun!

ta ta kathmandu

ta ta kathmandu

i was supposed to go to lamjung today, but due to unavoidable circumstances, everybody, except for me (and because of me another cousin) couldn’t go this morning. well, it turned out to be for the better because i got to watch ‘journey to yarsa’ at film south asia today. thank goodness i had gone two hours early to buy our tickets for the 1:15 show. i wouldn’t have been able to go to the rescreening at 7:30 pm. I enjoyed the documentary and really appreciate the filmmaker’s job. took him three years to research and make it. i’d never known that the yarsagumba hunt was this intense and risky. not so much in the mood to delve into the details of the documentary, but it turned out to be way better than i had expected. you must watch it if you get a chance.

about lamjung, my cousin and i will be taking the micro bus to bhoteodar, where we will have lunch. then off we go across the marshyangdi river and up up up up and uphill…the uphills never end..seriously, i always wonder, why our ancestors even decided to go so high into the hills to live. hhmmm..but i guess, it’s better than being way way up in the himalayas hahaha. our destination will be the village of Salme, my cousin’s village. i will bas basne at her home tomorrow night.

on monday morning, i will walk upto to pit danda..where they have the annual football’s a lot of fun.hehehe….i wrote about it in 2009. i think i will miss it this time, though. past pit danda, i go walking and walking and walking to Taji village. That is my final destination. If i leave early in the morning from Salme, I should get to Taji before sunset. It’s uphill from Salme and then from pit danda, it is tersai terso..they dug up a road but vehicles don’t get up to the road in the rainy season. there’s a huge landslide before pit danda…it swept away houses a few years back. there is a big rock in the landslide that people had begun to worship…coz it resembled some god. hmmm…

Taji, my maternal grandparent’s village, lies in the Lamjung border that faces Gorkha. (actually, the whole of the east side of lamjung district borders Gorkha district…) At the bottom of the two big hills is Chepe river. You know that famous song from seema rekha movie, chepe khola tarualaaaa…yep. am going to Taji after two years. I was there in 2009.


the joke of the day:

i had to get one of those instant passport photos today. my hair was in such a mess and so i was trying to fix it in the studio. i was sitting on that stool and the camera dude was getting ready, when this traffic police officer walked in (the photo studio is like 5 seconds from the roundabout) and began removing his orange raincoat. am just sitting on the stool and he makes small talk with the camera dude.

then he notices me (and i guess my short hair) and asks me, “bahini police ma ho?” (are you in the police?)

hahahahhaha…i just laugh out loud and say, “hoina..” (no) and just coz i find it’s so funny i add, “Ma army ma ho.” hahahahhahaha (i’m in the army.) hahahahahhaha….he’s like, “eh, ho?” hahahhahah…well, i didn’t want to make up any more guff, so i politely say that i’m in neither. the camera dude is still laughing later.

i tell this funny incident to my cousin sis at home and she adds, “well it’s better than asking are you a girl or boy.” true true



i’ll be back in a week’s time. till then, ta ta kathmandu and happy dashain. i’ll be back with a few extra pounds and a great tanned look. hahahahaha.

also thank you everyone for reading and visiting my blog. :-)