Ra.one – the graphic novel

Ra.one – the graphic novel

well this morning, a friend of mine posted a youtube link of the ‘chammak chalo’ song by akon for the movie Ra.one, on my facebook wall. that got me into googling more about this Ra.one movie. i actually thought it was ‘rawan’ like in the ten headed rawan, until i saw the spelling of the movie. it’s Ra.One.

anyways, it’s been a hilarious morning listening to akon sing in hindi. and what’s more i went to the official website and saw that they have also made a Ra.One graphic novel. hahahaha. dude, about the drawing part and color..hmm..honestly, nagraj is way better than the this. here are some glimpses that i screen printed.

yep, that’s shahrukh khan in his graphic comic form. (can’t say that they don’t look alike hehehe) the comic is called G.One – the journey begins. so he’s G. One, i think and Ra.One is Arjun Rampal aka the villain. yeah, he was a good villain in Om shanti om. i thought the role suited him quite well…better than him being a hero hero role.

the story isn’t complete…it’s like To be continued but read what’s uploaded so far at this link: http://www.raonemovie.com/comic/index.php?pageNumber=19

And HAPPY GHATASTHAPANA. Enjoy the graphic novel.