

it’s been a long day and tiring day. started out from home at 8 am and got back home exactly 12 hours later, at 8 pm. it had started out so sunny and nice. so i took it for granted and didn’t carry an umbrella. well, who knew that i’d be stuck in the pulchowk traffic jam at 6:30 pm and it’d take me half and hour to reach putali sadak on a bike, as a pillion rider who didn’t have a raincoat or an umbrella…at least, i had a full sleeve shirt one, or else halaat esai kharab…jhannai kharab hunthyo. plus, kupondole and that whole lane was flooded.

i’d never seen so much water in the streets of kathmandu. well, i’d seen jamal flooded but this one was huge..the murky brown water, with god knows what it’s mixed with, was overflowing onto the pavements at kupondole and were almost threatening to enter those chains of ’boutiques’. it was scary. but in a way, it was also fun. the shallows waves and the ripples of the dirty rainwater were glistening in the headlights and i saw a boy put a paper boat on the water. i could imagine myself riding a bike on a beach, where the water was slowly coming in and moving away. ah, but dreams will always be dreams. at least for now.

kathmandu is a mess. the earthquake, the air crash tragedy, the shooting at sundhara and now this rainfall that’s going crazy. can’t blame the rain, it’s the drains that we don’t have..those are the culprits i guess. it’s been a solemn week.

my head is itchy. probably coz of the rain too, but more so coz of the shampoo i switched to. at putali sadak i got on the nepal yatayat and it would take an hour to reach chappal karkhana from there. hairan. it was like traveling in a night bus…and in a long highway traffic jam. it was like reading aloud a book with too many punctuation marks. and i had to stand in the bus and well, my phone’s battery was dying so i couldn’t even listen to music. i walked so fast after i got down at my stop.

well, am not complaining anymore. after a yummy dal bhat tarkari and dalle khursani dinner, am cozily curled up inside the shirak now.