the painting class

the painting class

although i’ve been drawing a lot lately, i can’t post those drawings up on my blog. not just yet, at least. so i’m posting a painting i did in my intro to painting class or Painting I…when i was learning to paint and spent hours standing in front of the easel! ah, good times. :-) the smell of turrrrrp (entine). hehehe.

after painting some drapes and fabrics set up in class we had to set up our own drapes. I chose my gurung dress parts. the maroon part is the ghalek (you wear it across ur body) and the blue material is the patuka. of course, i omitted out the tiny flowers in the ghalek, too difficult to paint for me.  i did this in 2007, after which I couldn’t stop painting. my decision to study art came from this class and more so from the professor who taught me to understand color, light and just about everything i saw around me. Her name is Bonnie. This painting class changed my life, literally.

I was scared and nervous because it was all very new from Economics. hahahahahahaha..that was what I was ‘studying’. And because I started out late (in my third year of four years in college), I had so much catching up to do in my studio art courses. But it was important to find and follow my passion and of course, I consider myself lucky to be able to do so.