skirt three

skirt three

mithila art t-shirt made by women in janakpur

ama’s handbag and skirt

shoes: passed to me from a friend

photos by my cousin sis nilu.

notice that the skirt looks similar to the previous blue one, in the left picture. but it has different pleats and there’s a pocket in the front. really, i can’t fit anything in there though. maybe some coins. i tweaked the colors in the left and right photos..not too good at photoshoping but well trying to be creative. hahaha.

i love this skirt and i’ve worn them more often than the others. maybe, it’s also because this was the first one i found in the suitcases that had all the old clothes. found it in 2009. belonged to either my ama or sanuama. i actually had stopped wearing it for a bit coz i put on weight. imagine how slim my mother and aunt were back in the days!!!

shoes…are chocolate brown in color. my friend gave them to me two years back but like the previous pair of shoes, i haven’t worn them out in the streets but i adore them. they are a little big for me. this belonged to my friend as a child and she never really wore them either. they were in storage for years. so their old too.

the bag was a gift from my sanuama to my ama, which i have adopted :-P now, since they were also in the closet for a while.