the baffling question: what/who do you smell of?

the baffling question: what/who do you smell of?

at work, my two colleagues  (AP and CR) and i have discussed this question and several other questions that boggle our minds. like the ‘fox pas’ question. hahah. thanks to online dictionaries that have audio assistance on how to pronounce words. Faux Pas is ‘foh pah’. well why the ‘x’ and ‘s’ there? probably accessories. hehe. coz the words come with the following question: fashion foh pah? it’s a french word for blunder or wrong step.

anyways, so what/who do you smell of? and what is your advice to people (on style and fashion)? are decidedly our favorite questions and we LOVE to read the answers to those. (ehehe).

the most common answer to the advise part is probably: Be yourself or sth on keeping it simple 

so for the ‘smell’ question, in case someone asks you the question, you have to name the perfume you use. for instance you may be using chanel, gucci, britney spears, dolce gabbana…j. lo.? you get it.

AP says that he would answer the question with: ‘I smell of ME.’


now that’s THE brand name. it is very rare but inexpensive at the same time. just kidding. since he doesn’t use perfumes that is his answer. he smells of himself. hahahahaha. so in case you get lost and even though there’s very little chance that someone will ever ask me that question, here’s the answer for you and me to give, if you are one of us i.e. doesn’t use perfume and has no plans of purchasing one either: ‘i smell of ME’. no no no, don’t worry, it won’t be a  foh pah. if anyone tells you that he/she had never heard of it, the answer for that is: oh, it’s very ‘rare and legendary’ (like mcdowells whisky) and is custom manufactured.

for deodorant users you have all those: nivea, axe,….but in case you think it would be a ‘foh pah’ to mention those, just say, ‘ME’. I use ME.’