Lines in the city

Lines in the city

i’m loving every bit of my stay in seattle and time is moving so fast. it’s been two weeks already. two more weeks and i’m back in sweet old kathmandu…also dirty old…

what’s really special about this trip is that i’m staying with different host families and it’s been a blast. we cooked nepali food last night and i ate the leftovers for dinner tonight as well! can’t resist bhaat and masu!!! my schedule is hectic. most nights i only get to sleep some five to six hours. on tuesday, i had to attend six meetings! starting from 7 am till 8 pm. lots of museum and gallery visits! :-)

but to get to the point of this post, i’m excited about The Week’s new year issue. i was really really really surprised to see the e-paper just an hour back. :-) i was flipping, hoping to see my collage somewhere in some corner. but whoaaa!! half-page. thank you so much. it’s a great start to a new year! and it’s exciting to see so many drawings and ideas of individuals from different backgrounds, on print.

so go check the issue here.

here’s a screen shot of my collage. i’ve blogged about it before.

some pictures from our trip to crystal mountain, which is next to mount’s the highest peak in northwest of the state, i believe. and it was atti nai dammi! i don’t like wind and snow, but this view was breathtaking and i wish, oh i wish, i could learn to ski on those slopes. they were these little girls all sking so fast! whew.

and yes, GOLDSTAR juttas are great. they kept my feet very warm even on the snow. tried and tested!

3 thoughts on “Lines in the city

  1. Namaste Kanchang! I’m Pratistha and I go to school in Seattle. I was a rotaract back in Kathmandu. I would love to get together before you go back home. Not sure if you know but there is a Nepali New Years party today. Email me at so that we can connect! Looking forward to hearing back from you.

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